Data & Analytics

There is a great chance your business is already collecting significant amounts of data from numerous sources, whether from transactions, apps, customer interactions or other sources. However, this data is most likely locked away in data silos or not used to its full potential. Using the power of Data & Analytics, you can gain insights to optimize operations, drive innovation and deliver value to your company and your clients. PALOi advisors leverages a wide array of Data & Analytics products and services to build scalable and secure modern analytics platforms ready to meet your future needs.
Turn data you collect into a new business opportunity.
Utilize the untapped data you already have. Let your data talk to unlock the business value and transform your business.
Data Governance
Laying down the groundwork by establishing a shared vision through strategy and solution architecture. Test hypotheses with very tangible POC/POV/Pilots.
Business Analysis
Making sure to capture your pain-points, needs & wishes and translating them into requirements.
Data Platforms
Leverage modern data platforms, regardless if on-prem, hybrid or cloud, as solid foundations for all you data engineering & analytics efforts.
Data Engineering
Collect, organize and analyze your data. Fuel faster and informed business decisions and strategies through data-driven insights.
Analytics & Innovation
Drive innovation by utilizing analytics to unlock the value of your data.
Managed Services
Let us operationalize your existing infrastructure and workloads, we manage, so you don’t have to.
We help our clients procure software and build on
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